Finding Happiness in Today’s World

My Good Time Stories

Photo Credit: Leland Francisco via CC Flickr Photo Credit: Leland Francisco via CC Flickr

Unfortunately, it seems that thoughts and feelings of people around the world are getting worse and more negative every day. People appear to be more rushed, stressed and self absorbed in their everyday lives more than ever.

Have you ever noticed that the more people focus their lives on themselves, the more miserable they generally become? Their main goal is to FET as many things as they can. Meanwhile, the happiest and most content people are usually the individuals that GIVE to others.

Today’s short story is a tremendous illustration of how each one of us can find a secret to finding the goodness and happiness in life.


A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said. “Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.

The Lord led the holy man to two…

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